PinnedHow Emotions Are Used as Medicine: From Mental Health Care to Cognitive PerformanceEmotions drive everything we do — they push us to fight, flee, or freeze, and let others know when we’re struggling or need help. But what…Feb 21Feb 21
PinnedThe secret how we mock the “rule”.People say that long distance relationships don’t work. But we disagree. Or perhaps we are an exception to the rule; because but not even…Aug 17, 20201Aug 17, 20201
What Marketers Can Learn From ScammersIn this article, we’ll explore my close call with scammers, the warning signs I overlooked, and the valuable lessons marketers can learn…Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
Are Marketers Threatened by ChatGPT Technology?In recent years, chatbots and language models like GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) have gained a lot of attention in the world of…Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
How reliable is Excel for talent mapping?A team’s skills are critical to success. Despite the willingness to learn more about their employees, most organisations are unsuccessful…Jan 31, 2022Jan 31, 2022
How to identify the best performers and retain workers in the digital age.With the movement toward a more flexible work environment and people wanting to work from home (or anywhere), one of the major challenges…Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
Learnings after a week of abstinence from Social Media.Have you ever wondered why it’s difficult for someone to quit smoking or how there are those who go for a run at 5:00 am every day…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
¿Es ético aplicar tácticas de empujones, en las estrategias de Marketing?A lo largo de la historia, hemos buscado explicar racionalmente nuestro comportamiento, utilizando experimentos, encuestas o incluso, la…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
La fina línea entre emitir una opinión y creer saber más.Todos alguna vez, nos encontramos en la difícil tarea de hacer entender al “sabelotodo”, que su opinión estaba equivocada, o en otras…Sep 22, 2020Sep 22, 2020
El Marketing Personal y su impacto en el crecimiento profesional.A lo largo de tu trayectoria profesional, probablemente muchas veces te ha sucedido, que viste ascender a personas cuyos talentos eran…Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020